Wednesday, September 20, 2017

10 Effective's Signs | A Guy Likes You |

Eye Contact

  If a guy is making eye contact with you or looking in your direction a lot, there is a good chance He is instead. Shy guys will try to secretly look at you when they thank you aren't watching But more bold guys will tend To keep the eye contact when they are in to you. If you are around other people and you catch him  looking your way when you glance over at him, it's a good sign he's checking you out. Another way to tell if he like, you is if after he tells a joke in a group of people, He looks your way to make sure you're laughing.

He Compliments You

  Guys are known to Just Dish out  compliments for no reason, So if a guy compliments your appearance, It's probably because he likes what he sees. Compliments are a way for him to let you know that he notices you and wants you to feel good. The worst thing you can do in this moment is to not accept the compliment unless he is making you feel uncomfortable. If he takes the time to genuinely compliment you or your appearance, it's a pretty clear sign he likes you.

 Playful Flirting

   Do you remember boys pushing girls or playing tag on the playground when you were little? Most of the time they did this because they had a crush on you and that's just how they showed it. Not much changes over there years, But guys do get less violent when they are Flirting. But, If a Guy is playfully touching or flirting with you, He's probably trying to let you know he thinks you're great. And is comfortable getting playful with you.

He Noticed a Small Thing

   Did you get a haircut, Change our makeup or maybe got new clothes? If so, and a guy notices, there is a good chance he likes you. When men like someone, They play attention  and notice the small details.It's even better if the guy compliments you on your new change of appearance, Because this means he's trying to get closer to you. If you are interested and want him to know just be receptive to signals.

 He's Nervous

  Does he show signs of being nervous like sweaty palms, being fidgety, And nervously laughs when you're around? If a guy isn't attracted to someone, Then there is no reason for them to be nervous .But as soon as someone they like walks in, He immediately puts the pressure on himself to make a good impression. So if you notice him being a little odd or a little shy, It's probably Because you make him nervous and He just wants you to like him Back!

Body Languages

  There are several things a person's body language can give away, and when A guy likes you, There are subtle clues body will be telling you.

You can Start by Looking at His Eyes.

   If his pupils are dilated and his eyebrows are raised, It means he likes you and is interested in what you are saying. When you are talking, If he leans towards you, It means he finds you fascinating and is trying to get closer even if he can hear you perfectly fine. If you are out together and he sits with his legs wide open it may mean that he is willing to put himself out there and get to know you. If he does choose to cross legs, make sure you notice which way they are crossed. Because if they are towards you, then you are the girl he wants!

He Initiates

    From calling, Texting, And making plans, If the guy keeps initiating conversation chances are He likes you. If a guy likes you, He won’t just disappear for days at a time. That would leave too much space for someone else to come in and sweep you off your feet. If a guy wants your time, He will Take the time and initiate conversation and dates.

Remembering the Details

  If you have had several conversations with the guy, And He remembers a small detail like your Cat’s Birth day, That is a Huge he likes you. What other guy will take the time to remember the small things unless they are trying to impress you? The same is true if a guy asks you a lot of questions, This guy is trying to get know you and get close to you. When guys like a girl, they actually listen to what they say. He will remember what you say, And don’t be surprised when he buys your cat birthday present.

The Boyfriend Quiz

   Have you ever been out somewhere and a stranger struck up a conversation with you? Usually it doesn’t take too long until they start bringing up if you have a boyfriend or not. When a guy wants to know your status, there is a good chance , He is interested and wants to know if he has a chance. Most of the time, Guys won’t take it any further if they know a girl isn’t available. So make sure if you're interested, you let him know you’re single!

He'll Tell You

   This is probably the easiest way to tell. If a guy is interested, He will just let you know. You may think guys like to play games, But when they really like someone, It won’t be a secret. A guy who is worth you time will make his intentions clear in the beginning, And If there is a chance for a relationship, He won’t hold back. So If he is feeling butterflies , or Thinks you are perfect girlfriend material, There is a good chance he will be vocal about it!

When it comes to figuring out if a guy likes you, It doesn’t exactly take a rocket scientist. Men are different from women in many ways, and when it comes to dropping hints to someone they like, they are a lot less subtle. From not being able to take his eyes off you, to several body language clues, these are 10 signs a guy likes you!

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